It would be an amendment that clarifies intent.
That's a thought with the news that Republican Assemblyman Lynn Stewart and police lobbyists presented bill AB244 to the Senate Judiciary Committee to make "multiple graffiti convictions" be a felony-level offense. AP reports:
The bill would require anyone with two or more convictions for graffiti offenses, including at least one that's a felony, to be automatically charged with a Class C felony. The charge carries a penalty of one to five years in prison.
Las Vegas police detective Scott Black testified for the bill and said his 15 years of handling graffiti cases led him to believe the threat of a heavy felony penalty would deter the small number of repeat graffiti offenders.
"They just appear to be thumbing their nose at the law," he said.
AB244 has been a hot topic and voting splits down party lines. It first sought to provide “an enhanced penalty for committing three or more offenses of placing graffiti on or otherwise defacing certain property," another version of a Three Strikes law. On March 9, 2015, "three or more" was amended to read "certain repeat" offenses, and now targets those who have been "convicted two times or more."