And here we go. The Maryland Parkway Public Art Urban Design begins by Clark County seeking an urban environment design team to plan, think, and conceptualize how public art can be a "physical and experimental" focus on the baked thoroughfare between Charleston Boulevard to Russell Road. Besides looking for a way to "unify and beautify" Maryland Parkway, the goal is giving the public a way to have "high quality interaction with public art” while considering local history and social meaning. It leaves little wiggle room for a team applying public art aesthetic of an afterthought by fulfilling the bid with generic decoration. DEADLINE: Application Deadline for submissions is 5 p.m. on Friday, May 1, 2015. More details in the RFP.

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Sponsors: : A partnership between Clark County Parks & Recreation, University of Nevada Las Vegas, City of Las Vegas, Urban Land Institute Nevada, and the National Endowment for the Arts; with the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada, Maryland Parkway Coalition, Metro Arts Council, Public Education Foundation, and Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority.